What is eQuip? by Annegret Büttner
The first week in January 2018 I could be part of a group of people from different congregations of the Lutheran Natal – Transvaal – church. About 40 people gathered in Hermannsburg, KZN. We all stayed in one of the hostels of the Hermannsburg school for the retreat. The theme this year was
“Alive”. We had a lot of input from Bishop Horst Müller and the Tönsing couple. Every day we got new insights from a different angle and texts from the Bible what alive means. Historical facts from the Old Testament show how God revealed himself to the Jews – his chosen people. He gave the law, after that the prophets. God showed himself valuing life. God is caring and patient. He is hurting as his people are going their own ways. God is a creative God. Looking in the New Testament the focus changes and highlights God’s grace and truth. Christ is above the law. Christ wants to bring us eternal life when we believe that he is God’s son. Questions were raised and answers given, eg. How often do we see God in our life? Where are unnoticed gifts? And God sees even deeper. When he reveals our dirt – personally, in the congregation or our country – he does not reject us because he values life. Coming from the Cape where we are having a period of drought, it was good for me to think about the significance and importance of water. In chapter 4 of John’s gospel Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman. We get thirsty and drink water and get thirsty again. When we drink from the living water Jesus wants to give us we do not get thirsty again. This living water will become a spring welling up to eternal life. And to really be alive includes eternal life Jesus gives to us. We enjoyed group activities like making a poster and a bible quiz. It is enriching to get to know people from other congregations, brothers and sisters from other cultures. Each one of us got a booklet with songs. The tunes were familiar, words had been translated into English. Some of you will remember my son Martin who was in Bellville in August last year. He now is pastor in the New Germany congregation. The family settled in well. To have them all at the retreat made the week more special for me. At times my grandchildren needed my attention in very practical ways. But they had their own program. I want to add another verse from John’s gospel that touched my heart: John 14,6; I am the way, the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me. eQuip encouraged and equipped all of us for 2018! Annegret Büttner |
Who is invited?
EVERYBODY is invited! A mix of people of all ages and backgrounds is a wonderful encounter! Families with teenagers or young adult children can attend the retreat together. And, of course, granny and grandpa can also join in! An alternative program for children up to grade 7 will be provided during sessions. eQuip is planned by NELCSA, but you are welcome to invite and bring along friends or colleagues who are not members of our Church. The costs The retreat is funding itself. We strive to keep costs at a minimum whilst providing a wonderful experience! The cost including registration fee and all meals is: EARLY BIRD: If payment is made before 15 November: R 1 700 per adult, R 900 per Child between 5-18 If payment is made before 15 December R 1 850 per adult, R 950 per Child between 5-18 Payment after 15 December R 2 000 per adult, R 1000 per Child between 5-18 Should you wish to attend and are not be able to afford the costs, you can apply for a rebate to [email protected], subject: eQuip Rebate. Should you wish to sponsor someone else, please also indicate it to the organizers. Please note: Participants have to arrange their own transport at their own cost. A list of all participants will be made available after closure of registration, so that you can share transport. Bring along Bible, towels, bedding, (only bed with mattress is provided) writing utensils, clothing for the weather spectrum, gear for outdoor activities. |