Virtual Pastor's Convent 2020
Information and Presentations
- Church in the New Normal
- Burnout, Covid and Pastors. Graham Lindegger
- Prof Thomas Schlag, University of Zürich
- Discovering Church in the New Normal, Bishop Horst Müller
- The Warehouse
- Church Service 23 August
- Dear brothers and sisters, this past week the NELCSA pastors met from Monday to Friday for a biennial General Pastors’ Convention. The theme for this convention was “Discovering Church in the New Normal.” We were graced with a wonderful, fruitful time together. In this service you get to see the faces of many of our pastors and intern. Bishop Muller shares a Word of Greeting emphasizing some of the intent and discussions from our convention. We are grateful for a special sermon by Bishop Burgert Brand of our sister church the ELCIN-GELC. This is in Namibia. Below are the links to the Videos on NELCSA’s YouTube channel:
Full Service Links:
NELCSA Deutscher Gottesdienst:
NELCSA English Service:
Playlist Links:
NELCSA Deutscher Gottesdienst Playliste:
NELCSA English Service Playlist:
Word of Greeting only
Word of Greeting:
Sermon only
Deutscher Predigt:
English Sermon:
May God bless us all richly as we seek His will and pleasure.
*Try to adjust the video quality
*A playlist allow you to click back and forth between the various service parts if you have limited data.